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Join Total Property Assist - FREE

How much are you saving today and in the future?

Courtesy of Ben, you get Total Property Assist free today AND a huge discount on renewal after your free period. And we'll never renew your membership automatically: we invite you to renew.

Free of charge today (normally £29):

● 3 months free today
● No payment details required

...and discounted renewal forever:

● 50% discount every year
● Only £14.50 per year

Join Total Property Assist FREE for 3 months

About you

First name:
Mobile tel:
Home tel:
Date of birth:

Your address

Type in your house number/name and your full post code. Then select the street address which will be shown in the post code box.

House number/name:
Post code:
Line 2:
Post code:

Create a security password

Enter a combination of letters, numbers and special characters, e.g. $:

Have you watched the TPA video?

Our short video is a great way to understand how Total Property Assist works and the benefits for you and your family.

Have you watched the video?

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Would you like more free benefits?

As our member, you'll find other benefits and services available to you and your family free of charge.

Do you drive?
Do you or your family cycle?

Communicating with you

We will never share your data with anyone. The few emails we send will be about your membership.

Can we inform you about other services from us?
Can we inform you about services from our partners?
If you accept the Total Property Assist terms and conditions, click 'Submit'